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Block ad, pop-up & pre-roll video with Ad blocker for web browsers
Block any ad, pop-up & pre-roll video with 100% free Adblocker for Chrome. Just one click and you are on your way! Urban Adblocker is a product by Urban Cyber Security. Our vast experience in the world of information security has resulted in the most robust free adblocker currently on offer. Urban Adblocker users enjoy: • Ad-free browsing experience, eliminating all types of native ads, video ads, pop-ups/pop-unders, tab ups, banners & text ads • Improved protection against viruses, spyware and other types of malware, as well as phishing scams, since most of those use an advertising placement to hack into your browsing session • Optimized browsing speeds, due to the savings in bandwidth, download-size and server calls; this is achieved by only loading each page’s content and skipping the ads altogether • Unlike most other free adblockers - Urban Adblocker does NOT replace original ads with new ones; you will not be exposed to any advertisements whatsoever Get back to enjoying what really matters on every other site on the web. You will forget that sites even have ads in no time! This extension is an all-in-one solution. No need to download further software - just click “Add to Chrome” to install the extension and you are set to surf, ad free! Important notice: after installation, you will receive a message about Urban Adblocker’s permission to access your browsing data. This permission is what allows the extension to perform the adblocking manipulation on the browser and allows us to collect non-personalized data. This is how we keep it 100% free. When you choose Urban Adblocker, you choose quality, safety and security!
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- Versão2.6.3
- Atualização11 de março de 2025
- Oferecido porUrban VPN
- Tamanho916KiB
- Idiomas11 idiomas
- DesenvolvedorUrban Cyber Security INC
1007 North Orange Street 4th floor Wilmington, DE 19801 USE-mail
+972 50-217-5306 - NegocianteEste desenvolvedor se identificou como um comerciante de acordo com a definição da União Europeia.
- DUNS117531938
Urban Ad blocker divulgou as informações a seguir sobre a coleta e o uso dos seus dados. Para informações mais detalhadas, consulte a Política de Privacidade do desenvolvedor.
Urban Ad blocker processa o seguinte:
O desenvolvedor declara que seus dados
- Não são vendidos a terceiros, exceto nos casos de uso aprovados
- Não são usados ou transferidos para fins não relacionados à função principal do item
- Não são usados ou transferidos para informações de crédito ou empréstimo