Create, convert, connect: take your digital documents to the next level with OrbitNote.
Create, convert, connect: take your digital documents to the next level with OrbitNote. Searching for a way to make digital documents accessible, dynamic and more collaborative? Download OrbitNote to transform and interact with digital documents in a completely different way! With OrbitNote you can make digital documents accessible and actionable, while demonstrating and giving feedback in multiple formats. It’s a great tool to boost productivity, connections and collaboration! Open digital documents in Google Drive, OneDrive, on the web app, in your LMS (Google Classroom and Schoology), or on your local device, then use OrbitNote to: • Collaborate in real-time within digital documents • Read text, including math & science equations, aloud with easy-to-follow dual color highlighting • Type text on top of your PDFs with the Text feature • Highlight and extract information with colored highlighters • Add text and voice comments or use pushpins for helpful hints or instructions • Use freehand or shape drawing to scribble and draw on your digital documents • And more! Try OrbitNote today to check out all of the above features for a limited time. We have much more planned for this tool later in the year. As OrbitNote grows and new features are added, a premium version requiring a subscription will be introduced. Premium Read&Write users can enjoy access to a version of OrbitNote as part of their Read&Write subscription. Get more information on OrbitNote’s features and future plans at https://www.texthelp.com/products/orbitnote/ For any technical questions, contact us at: support@texthelp.com
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- Versi7.0.1
- Diupdate28 Oktober 2024
- Ukuran950KiB
- BahasaEnglish (UK)
- DeveloperTEXTHELP LTD.Situs Web
1 Orchard Way ANTRIM BT41 2RU GBEmail
+44 7860 015735 - PedagangDeveloper ini telah mengidentifikasi diri sebagai pedagang berdasarkan definisi dari Uni Eropa.
- D-U-N-S423630532
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Developer ini menyatakan bahwa data Anda
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