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9 ratings

Workflow & Planning

8 support issues

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Lubica Bocevova

Mar 18, 2020


Ako môžem zdieľat mnou vytvorené kresby, keď zakaždým ak ich chcem pomenovať, zdielať, tak to okno sa samé zatvorí a opakovane nedokážem súbor ani pomenovať. A ak sa to podarí, tak pri možnosti zdieľať sa nič neudeje, ani neponúkne možnosti zdieľania ani nezdieľa, len sa okno znova zvatvorí. Potrebujem to súrne poriešiť. Ďakujem

A Chrome Web Store user

Jul 13, 2018

Chromebook 14

I got the chromebook 14 in 2016. Ive had my chromebook for nearly 2 years know. Why does it take 600,00 years to download???

A Chrome Web Store user

Jul 13, 2018

Promblem? No thanks hbu u get this updated¨?>>>>

This is a good thing but why doesnt it O P E N!


Jun 17, 2017


J'ai ce message sur Chromebook : Incompatible : Cette application n'est pas compatible avec cet ordinateur. L'installation a été désactivée. Les problèmes suivants ont été détectés :
Le WebGL est nécessaire au fonctionnement de cette application, car elle comporte des images 3D.
Comment le résoudre ?

Daniel VandeBunte

Aug 8, 2016

Not launching on Chromebook

Acer C720
Clarisketch will not launch when I click on the app's icon. Opens fine on other Chromebooks. Just started happening. First noticed on 08/08/16.

Jade Princess

Jul 23, 2016

to add to app

Layers in the app would be very appreciated! Also can there be an option to have music as the audio? And can we speed up the video? I want to make speed draw videos so these would be very much appreciated!

Rodrigo von Glehn

Mar 2, 2016

Windows Surface 4

Hi. Do you know if Clarisketch has an option to installation on Windows Surface 4?

justin willis

Oct 17, 2014

complete app crash

Hit new sketch button and app crashes. Tested multiple times.

Google apps