Ekstensi ini menampilkan riwayat terakhir, tab yang baru ditutup, halaman yang paling sering dikunjungi dan bookmark terbaru Anda…
Thanks to all the Users who have helped make this extension better! ALTERNATE Recent History with icon in address bar: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/milbdjfbgdilllphgdmlahonjodlfokh FEATURED - http://lifehacker.com/5536343/recent-history-gives-chrome-a-better-history - http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/other/switching-to-chrome-download-these-extensions/ NOTE: Please use the latest stable version of Chrome. DESCRIPTION: This extension displays your recent history, recently closed tabs, most visited pages and recent bookmarks in a one click pop-up menu. FEATURES: - Better history manager - Change number of items - Change width of popup menu - Multilingual support - Right-click history item in popup menu to copy url - Order sections for the popup menu - Show most visited with ability to remove specific urls - and more... LANGUAGES: Please help by adding better or adding more translations. CHANGELOG: - Fixed a few bugs. Added portuguese translation (Edgar Pinto). 2.1.4 - Fixed 'hanging' issue when opening up the extension's history page (Ctrl+H). - Fixed bug in popup window for RTL languages. Thanks to al9ub7y for finding this bug. 2.1.3 - Fixed a few bugs and issues with the extension. Added new translations, Italian (Corelita), Arabic (Omar Al9ub7y) and Dutch (Tijmen). 2.1.2 - Fixed delay of popup scrollbar alignment and fixed issue of bookmark stars and tips not showing on the history page. A loading screen has been added for loading history items on the history page so that all the items and functions load up properly. 2.1.1 - Added new translations, Portuguese (Júnior Messias), Indonesian (Sahya), French (DARÉ Mathieu) and Spanish (Leo DÃaz/Darkson). Fixed issue of vertical scrollbar hiding icons in the pop-up window. Fixed issue of long unresponsive loading times of the history page. 2.1 - Added new translations, Russian (The DimoK), Korean (-SuNYouNgSaRaNg-) and Chinese (jason_jiang). Better support for languages which read from right to left has been added. You can now delete history from a specific date range by opening the calendar. Dates have been added to the changelog. More sorting options have been added to the history page. A custom share pop-up has been created for better usability. You can now middle click items in the pop-up. The date format (yyyy/mm/dd) has been added. The UI of the history page has been tweaked a little to give you a better experience. Finally an fun Easter Egg has been added, can you find it?
4,2 dari 5548 rating
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- Versi25.2.11
- Diupdate13 Februari 2025
- Ukuran411KiB
- Bahasa15 bahasa
- DeveloperSitus Web
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