Extension Manager - Chrome Web Store
Logotypbild för objektet Extension Manager

Extension Manager


63 betyg

TilläggVerktyg6 000 användare
Media för objektet: 1 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 2 skärmbild


Manage Extensions, Enable/disable, Custom Folder or Nickname, Star and Download as CRX or ZIP.

Quickly and easily enable, disable, uninstall extensions, view uninstall records or history; customize groups, set nicknames or notes. The best plugin management tool to use. 🌟Highlights Features🌟 1. extensions list: beautiful UI design, the list displays all extensions content, versions, groups, and nicknames. At the same time, it shows how many extensions there are, how many extensions are turned on and off, and the number of uninstalled extensions; 3. One-click enable: On the list page, you can enable one-click extensions; 4. One-click disable: On the list page, you can disable extensions with one click, and also support one-click closing all extensions; 5. One-click uninstall: On the list page, you can uninstall unnecessary extensions with one click; 6. Intelligent search: You can match the desired extensions according to the extensions name or alias; 7. Uninstallation records: You can view the history records that have been uninstalled, and support reinstallation; 8. Smart Jump: Support one-click jump to the official homepage and system options page; 9. Note nickname: Supports setting nicknames or notes for the extension, which is easy to find, and can also be quickly located by searching; 10. Favorite collection: support collection of your favorite extensions and display them at the front; 11. More clicks: You can click to manage extensions, quickly go to the mall address, etc.; 12. Smart grouping: You can create custom groups, and the groups will be displayed on the extensions list page; 13. Plugin details: You can view more details of the extension with one click: description, enabled, homepageUrl, hostPermissions, icons, id, installType, isApp, mayDisable, name, offlineEnabled, optionsUrl, permissions, shortName, type, updateUrl, version, etc. . 🔍More features are coming 🔍 1. Export extensions information: CSV, JSON, Excel; 2. Download the extensions package: ZIP, CRX; 3. Save memory plan. ✍️Important content✍️ 1. The current extension is completely free, and there is no need to obtain user information; 2. If you have suggestions or functions you need, please leave a comment, we will try our best to meet your needs, thank you.

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  • Version
  • Uppdaterat
    5 februari 2024
  • Erbjudandet kommer från
    Hongyuan Cao
  • Storlek
  • Språk
    54 språk
  • Utvecklare
  • Icke-näringsidkare
    Utvecklaren har inte angett att den är näringsidkare. Konsumenter i EU bör tänka på att konsumenträttigheter inte gäller för avtal mellan dig och denna utvecklare.


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  • inte säljs till tredje part, förutom i godkända användningsfall
  • inte används eller överförs för ändamål som inte är relaterade till objektets huvudfunktioner
  • inte används eller överförs i syfte att bedöma kreditvärdighet eller för lån.


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