Imagen del logotipo del elemento de Extensión de la suscripción RSS (de Google)

Extensión de la suscripción RSS (de Google)


3.5 K calificaciones

Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 3 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 1 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 3 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 1 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 1 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 3 del elemento multimedia

Descripción general

Agrega la suscripción mediante un clic a tu barra de herramientas.

This extension auto-detects RSS feeds on the page you are reading and upon finding one will display an RSS icon in the Omnibox, allowing you to click on it to preview the feed content and subscribe. The extension comes with 2 feed readers predefined (Bloglines and My Yahoo) but also allows you to add any web-based feed reader of your choice to the list. What's new in version 2.2.2? + Doesn't run in the background all the time, only when in use. + Updated to not use a soon-to-be-deprecated API. What's new in version 2.2.1? + Removed Google Reader and iGoogle from the list of default feed readers. What's new in version 2.1? + This extension is now available in over 40 languages. + If you see localization problems, let us know: Changelist: + Navigating to feed pages directly now takes you to the subscription page (instead of showing XML). + Found a feed where this doesn't happen? Let us know: + Added an Options page for configuring feed readers. + Added an option to skip the feed preview page when subscribing. + Added a link to the preview page for those wanting to copy the direct feed link (look for the [ Feed ] link in the blue bar). + Added support for multiple feeds per page. + When will this be added to Chrome? Star this bug: to keep track.

4.0 de 53.5 K calificaciones

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  • Versión
  • Fecha de actualización
    4 de julio de 2024
  • Ofrecido por
  • Tamaño
  • Idiomas
    41 idiomas
  • Desarrollador
    Correo electrónico
  • No comerciante
    El desarrollador no se identificó como comerciante. Si eres un consumidor de la Unión Europea, ten en cuenta que los derechos de los consumidores no aplican a los contratos entre el desarrollador y tú.


El desarrollador divulgó que no recopilará ni usará tus datos.

Este desarrollador declara el siguiente tratamiento de tus datos:

  • No se venden a terceros, excepto en los casos de uso aprobados
  • No se utilizan ni transfieren para fines no relacionados con la funcionalidad principal del elemento
  • No se utilizan ni transfieren para determinar tu solvencia ni ofrecer préstamos


RSS Feed Reader


Feedo - The best RSS Feed Reader extension for Chrome. A simple and best method for staying informed of your most recent RSS feeds

RSS Subscription Extension, Reader


Adds one-click subscription to powerful RSS reader, Podcast reader. It allows you to easily add RSS feeds to reader.

Inoreader: Read-later and RSS extension


Save articles for later and keep up with your favorite feeds. Discover, preview, and follow RSS feeds while organizing your content.

Feedly Notifier


Extensión para el lector de noticias Feedly

RSS Feed Reader

4.3(7.1 K)

Get a simple overview of your RSS and Atom feeds in the toolbar

Feedly Mini

4.8(23.3 k)

Easily add content to your Feedly while browsing

RSS Finder


Lists RSS and Atom feeds available on the current web page.

Easy to RSS


Retreive RSS feeds URLs from WebSite, RSSHub supported

Smart RSS


RSS Reader

The RSS Aggregator


RIP Opera

RSS Reader


RSS Feed Reader



Advanced Feed Reader - Read news & blogs or any RSS/Atom/RDF source.

RSS Feed Reader


Feedo - The best RSS Feed Reader extension for Chrome. A simple and best method for staying informed of your most recent RSS feeds

RSS Subscription Extension, Reader


Adds one-click subscription to powerful RSS reader, Podcast reader. It allows you to easily add RSS feeds to reader.

Inoreader: Read-later and RSS extension


Save articles for later and keep up with your favorite feeds. Discover, preview, and follow RSS feeds while organizing your content.

Feedly Notifier


Extensión para el lector de noticias Feedly

RSS Feed Reader

4.3(7.1 K)

Get a simple overview of your RSS and Atom feeds in the toolbar

Feedly Mini

4.8(23.3 k)

Easily add content to your Feedly while browsing

RSS Finder


Lists RSS and Atom feeds available on the current web page.

Easy to RSS


Retreive RSS feeds URLs from WebSite, RSSHub supported

Google Apps