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EXIF QuickView


50 ratings

ExtensionArt & Design10,000 users

11 support issues

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Chuchi Rubio

Jul 18, 2019

Suddenly it does not work

About a couple of days ago it does not show Exif information. I do not understand why.

Benjamin Peng (Ben)

Apr 15, 2019

Make it work on local file

Currently this extension doesn't work on local file (file:///*) even if you enabled it in extension options ("Allow access to file URLs").


Mar 31, 2019

Shooting Mode

Up until last week it showed the Mode used to shoot - M for manual Av for aperture priority - and so on.
Now it is not doing so it just shows a little red camera icon

I really need that feature back - it helps me mark my student work.
Please fix it!

Κώστας Παναγιωτόπουλος

Mar 9, 2019

Please fix it...

Place - GPS doesn't work...

Berlin Sianipar

Dec 11, 2018

Make info position on the top of the image

In large images, I have to scroll to the bottom of the image to see the EXIF info. Please put it on the top so I can see it directly. Oh, and please make the GPS info have red background so I can see quickly if the image has GPS info or not.

Tim Bellette

Feb 28, 2018

Remove dependency on cdn content

The plugin injects dependencies from googleapis and bootstrapcdn, as render-blocking resources in the header. When there is a network issue, or slow connection, to these resources it affects the loading time of every page, it might be better if these were embedded resources or at the very least not render-blocking.


Sep 22, 2017



How about an ability to trigger extension not only on hover, but also on hotkey?

Karsten Krohn

Jul 20, 2017

Deactivate Analytics

Is it possible to deactivate the Analytics-tracking you do?
Looks like you the all the Image-URLs I am hovering, while your plugin is active, no matter if I activated (DNT) "Do not Track", or if I am using Googles "Deactivation Addon by Google Analytics".

I do not want you to track all the images, I looked at. Thanks!

A Chrome Web Store user

Feb 12, 2017

Lens Info

Hello again,

Do you think it's possible to add lens information on your exif details.

For exemple, on this photo (, I'd like to see that it had been shooted with the "OLYMPUS M.12-100 F4.0" lens ...

Thank you.

A Chrome Web Store user

Feb 12, 2017

Kill other Exif Extension


Is it possible to fix the fact that the right menu is override without taking in account other Exif extension's modifications of the right click menu ?

I've the Exif Viewer extension installed.

Without your extension, it works like a charm. Right click, the menu display the "View Exif Data" line.

If I enable your extension, and if I right blick BEFORE your Overlay extension is loaded (of this page for exemple), the menu is still correct.
After EXIF Overlay displayed one exif info ... the line of Exif Viewer is no more displayed when right click.

In addition, when I open a full image directly in a tab ( for exemple), and if my mouse cursor is somewhere on the image zone while loading, the mouse cursor is a Zoom+ icon, and Overlay infos are not displayed, and
So, I can zoom-in/zoom-out easily by clicking on the image.

But now, if I move outside of the pic (by going in the white zone on the right for exemple) and come back on it, the overlay info are displayed (at the bottom of the pic, out of display if I've zoomed-in), but I can't zoom-out anymore, and the line of Exif Viewer disappeared from the right-click menu.

I guess it's tricky, but it's really annoying.

Hope you can find the bug, and you'll fix it ...

Thank you.


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