ESTA Application - Chrome Web Store
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ESTA Application

Zrzut ekranu 1 multimediów dotyczących produktu


To apply for ESTA, all you need to do is fill out an online form, providing your passport details and answering a few questions.…

To apply for ESTA, all you need to do is fill out an online form, providing your passport details and answering a few questions. Once you submit the form, you will receive an email within 24 hours informing you of your approval status. As soon as you receive your ESTA approval, you can travel to the USA for periods of up to 90 days at a time, and your ESTA will last for two years, or whenever your passport expires (whichever comes first). The ESTA can be used for leisure or business. When it comes to business, visitors can use ESTA to engage in business meetings, conferences, trade shows, etc. And as for scholarly travel, well this could involve short research trips, or even academic studies, provided they take place over a period of less than 90 days (this 90-day limit remains in place no matter what the travel purpose is). So, why not kick off the new year with your own American adventure?

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  • Wersja
  • Zaktualizowano
    7 marca 2018
  • Sprzedawca
    Homepage URL
  • Rozmiar
  • Języki
    Języki: 45
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