EpubPress - Read the web offline のアイテムロゴ画像

EpubPress - Read the web offline


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Create custom ebooks from your favorite blogs and websites.

EpubPress bundles webpages into an offline book that you can read on any of your devices. Benefits: - Downloads webpages for offline reading. - Removes ads and banners from webpages for a cleaner reading experience. - Compatible with all your mobile devices (Kindles, Nooks, iPhone, iPad, Android, etc.). - Email delivery, allowing you to push content directly to your device. All the amazing content of the internet, available on devices that were made for reading! How to use: 1) Open all your articles in separate tabs. 2) Order them the way you want them to appear in the book. 3) Click 'EpubPress' in your menu bar. 4) Select your articles. 5) Download and enjoy! Please send any issues to support@epub.press. Please send feedback and feature requests to feedback@epub.press. Extension code is open source! Check it out here: https://github.com/haroldtreen/epub-press-clients Learn more and see samples @ https://epub.press Follow updates on Twitter @ https://twitter.com/Epub_Press Help keep EpubPress free @ https://epub.press/#donate

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    Harold Treen
    576 Bathurst St. Toronto M5S 2P9 Canada
  • 非取引業者
    このデベロッパーは取引業者として申告していません。EU 加盟国の消費者とこのデベロッパーとの間に締結された契約には、消費者の権利が適用されません。


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