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Just Youtube Playback Speed Control

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Control speed of the youtube playback using keyboard. Press '+' to increase and '-' to decrease the playback speed.

Sister extension to Youtube Playback Speed Control which only works for Youtube and doesn't require "Read and change all your data on all websites". Just Youtube playback speed increase or decrease is just a mouse click or keyboard button away. Get more out of Youtube and control speed of youtube video easily either by clicking the speed overlay button on the top right hand corner or just keyboard button '+' and '-'. Keyboard button are configurable and if you want to use different key, you can change this default keys from settings tab. With HTML5 Video playback on YouTube, you can speed up and slow down the currently watching videos. I loved this feature. But still it was too many mouse clicks for me. So, this extension was created to control the playback speed using keyboard. Press '+' to increase the playback speed and '-' to decrease the playback speed. If '+' and '-' keys are already used by other extension or you want to use different key, you can change this default keys from settings tab. This extension even works for the HTML5 YouTube player embedded in other website. Make sure that the player is in focus. A website can embed multiple YouTube player and the keyboard shortcuts will effect the currently playing one. Everything works no change needed. Please check extension options for more setting options. You can change playback rate increment from default 0.25 to any desired increment. Note: - The control may not appear the first time the extension is installed or updated. Refreshing the page should make it work. - Close the setting page after making changes for the extension to function properly. ★ YPSC - Version 0.0.12 - Fixed a issue with playback button remaining on full screen even with FadeInFadeOut option. ★ YPSC - Version 0.0.11 - Fixed a bug that breaks the playback button display when switching full screen and back. ★ YPSC - Version 0.0.10 - Fixed a major bug of playback button not showing up sometimes. ★ YPSC - Version 0.0.9 - Updated to Manifest v3 required by Extension development ★ YPSC - Version 0.0.8 - Added option to hide setting button ★ YPSC - Version 0.0.7 - Removed webRequest, activeTab permission. - Easy access to setting page. - Changes to comply with chrome web store. ★ YPSC - Version 0.0.6 - Removed the need to access to full browser history. - Fixed the shortcut assigned for speed up and down are not taken into account and reset to "0" issue. - Added more control over position of playback rate increase/decrease button. Added TopLeft, TopMiddle, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomMiddle, BottomRight option for position. - Fixed the extension overlay from preventing "press x to close" when in miniplayer mode. - Fixed hotkeys triggering when typing in comments. - Added option to view time saved using this extension in option page. ★ YPSC - Version 0.0.5 - Added an option to disable Shift+MouseScroll combination. - Shows the speed control for 300 millisecond when the speed is changed. ★ YPSC - Version 0.0.4 - Added a reset playback speed to 1x feature. By default it's '*', but user can change. Clicking the playback rate display also reset to 1x. - Added increase or decrease of playback speed using Shift+MouseScroll combination. - Added 'Up Arrow' and 'Down Arrow' to key options (Request from user). ★ YPSC - Version 0.0.3 - Made extension more stable. The extension successfully loads every time now (unlike its predecessor where CTRL+F5 was needed sometime) - Fixed the bug with playlist not advancing to next video. - Fixed the bug of comments not loading sometime. - Made the extension work with embedded videos almost all the time. - Supports user defined playback rate increment that user can set from settings. - Added more speed options. Supports higher playback rate. Note: Sound will not work for higher than 4x. ★ YPSC - Version 0.0.2 - Updated to a user friendly display of the playback rate and added increase/decrease button. - Fixed the bug of '+' and '-' buttons located next to backspace not working. Only the '+' and '-' buttons of Numeric keypad was working. - Added various mode of playback rate display (Always, Hide/Show, Simple and None). ★ YPSC - Version 0.0.1 - Basic functionality of changing youtube playback rate using keyboard.

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    18 de janeiro de 2023
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