5 support issues
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Buzz Baylis
Mar 26, 2023
No popup
I upgraded to Lifetime and got my new registration number in an email.
Where to put the new number is a mystery to me as after numerous tries I have yet to see the popup window into which to place my registration.
Thank you in advance for all that you do for us!
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Eric Johnson
Nov 17, 2022
Something new started happening...
This started happening a few days ago... I like using Reader Mode because it will read a page to me. So I would switch the page to Reader Mode Premium, and Click the Save button. Then I would Click the Text to Speech Button.
Now, in the past few days, When clicking the Save button, I receive the following message... "<the URL of the site> Says Oopps...Either their is no internet connection or our servers are offline".
Please help me understand this message and maybe get back to normal operation of this extension.
Thanks in advance...
Eric Johnson
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Saman Boyd
Oct 8, 2021
Doesn't work
I got this nearly exclusively for the text to speech--- which entirely does not work. Glad I pad money for this... not.
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Tresa Lupton
Jun 19, 2021
Extension doesn't work after I purchased a year subscription.
After I upgraded from the free version to the yearly premium version, the text-to-read wquit working which is the main feature I need. So now $60 has been wasted.
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Kai H
Mar 19, 2021
Release Command + Shift + Z
I have a lifetime subscription for Readermode Premium.
I just noticed that this extension is triggered by Command + Shift + Z in Chrome in Mac OS. This is a HUGE problem because I can't ever do "redo" anything. Like you, I'm a developer. I've already had a few instances where I lost code because I pressed Command + Z one too many times and couldn't undo that.
Please add the feature to change the keyboard shortcut, or at least use a DIFFERENT key combination for triggering the extension please
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