iTour Video Translation
1.979 valutazioni
This extension translates video's audio on the current tab to your own language
The extension can be used to translate online meetings (such as Zoom , Microsoft Teams, Google Meet,Webex, Canvas, etc.), online videos into two languages subtitle. If you set the sound source to the microphone in the extension, you can translate the video into subtitles being played in the computer in real time, and you can also translate the sound outside the computer in real time. Many international students use this software to translate Zoom online courses. There are also many international students who use this software to translate lectures taught by professors in the classroom in real time. The software automatically translates voices and takes notes for students. It supports dozens of languages, and the translation is fast and accurate. The software can be tried for free.
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- Versione2.0.9
- Ultimo aggiornamento:5 marzo 2025
- FunzioniOffre acquisti in-app
- Elemento offerto daiTourTranslator
- Dimensioni2.54MiB
- LingueEnglish (United States)
- SviluppatoreiTour Translator Inc.
1811 168th Pl SE Mill Creek, WA 98012 USEmail
+1 425-616-8668 - CommercianteQuesto sviluppatore si è identificato come commerciante in base alla definizione dell'Unione Europea e si è impegnato a offrire solo prodotti o servizi conformi alle leggi dell'UE.
- D-U-N-S118979497
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