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Simplest screen capture and video recorder for your Chrome browser. Create, sketch, annotate and download to share
Recordable is a free, simple and ultra versatile screen recorder tool for Chrome. It is quick and simple to install and get using immediately. Simply record your Chrome tab, browser window or computer screen. Whilst recording take a quick snapshot, draw a sketch or write some text notes to comment on the screen. Snapshots allow you to capture exactly what's on the screen so you can share with your colleagues, users or visitors. Draw sketches on the browser screen to bring attention to something you need to share. Write notes into a moveable text widget so you can share your thoughts or notes with others. Complete deep user journeys whilst recording across links and browser tabs to gain and share greater context. When you're finished, capture basic browser and operating system information to share and aid debugging. Some of our favourite use cases for Recordable : - Designers : Generate a video to share user flows with the team and sketch highlights to draw attention - Developers : Capture a screen shot when you want to share a part of a website with a remote colleague - Product Managers : Record and enhance your product demos so they can be watched again and again - QA : Record the customer journey where you've captured a bug and write detailed step by step notes to complement the defect report Recordable's continual discovery is user led. Please vote on the public Trello board. The most popular features will be prioritised first! - https://trello.com/b/5qiAfcjm/recordable-roadmap So whether you need to get your point across to a friend, colleague or stakeholder, make recommendations for improvements or highlight bugs - ElasticTribe's recordable is the tool for the job.
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- الإصدار0.4.2
- تم التحديث16 أبريل 2018
- الحجم266KiB
- اللغاتEnglish
- مطوّر برامجموقع إلكتروني
البريد الإلكتروني
hello@recordable.co - غير تاجرلم يعرِّف هذا المطوِّر نفسه بصفته جهة تجارية. بالنسبة إلى المستهلكين في الاتحاد الأوروبي، يُرجى العِلم أنّ حقوق المستهلك لا تسري على العقود المُبرمة بينك وبين هذا المطوِّر.
للحصول على مساعدة بخصوص الاستفسارات أو الاقتراحات أو المشاكل، يُرجى فتح هذه الصفحة على متصفّحك المتوافق مع أجهزة الكمبيوتر المكتبي