zRate Netflix: IMDB Ratings & Show Info
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IMDB ratings, plot, cast, and other useful show information for Netflix.
⭐#3 Product of the Day on Product Hunt on December 29, 2019 ⭐ 📺 Make informed viewing decisions and avoid substandard shows and movies! ***How it works*** zRate automatically adds a non-disruptive information box underneath each show card. Information available: ✔ Ratings from sources such as IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes*, and Metacritic* ✔ Plot, main cast, MPAA rating (R, PG, PG-13 etc), and year(s) running ✔ A show or movie discussion link *Currently only a few titles have Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic ratings ***Customization*** Use the zRate pop-up to customize the information displayed. To open the pop-up, simply click the zRate button (the “z” icon) next to the address bar. Please note that by default only the IMDB ratings are displayed. Other data can be added or removed by using the pop-up menu. ***Why zRate?*** ✔ Ratings colored by value ✔ Designed to be non-disruptive, intuitive, and light! ✔ No sign-up or login necessary. Add zRate to chrome and you are all set. ✔ Gives you access to both show information and ratings. ✔ Access to show and movie discussions in one click. ***Privacy*** We do NOT access or store your browsing or viewing history. The only information we access is the title of each show or movie that is displayed on Netflix. Nothing else. Disclaimer: This application is in no way affiliated with Netflix, Inc. Made with ♥ in Chicago
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- Versão0.0.5
- Atualização20 de fevereiro de 2021
- Oferecido porUnhalt LLC
- Tamanho764KiB
- IdiomasEnglish
- DesenvolvedorUnhalt LLC
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