Wargaming.net - Theme
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Wargaming is an award-winning online game developer and publisher and one of the leaders in the free-to-play MMO market. Founded as…
Wargaming is an award-winning online game developer and publisher and one of the leaders in the free-to-play MMO market. Founded as a privately held company in 1998, Wargaming has shipped more than 15 titles and employs around 2,800 professionals across such key regions as North America, Europe, Russia, Asia and Australia. Currently, Wargaming is focused on its team-based MMO war series dedicated to mid-20th century warfare that will include the company's flagship armored MMO World of Tanks, launched in April 2011 and currently boasting over 75 million players worldwide, the flight combat World of Warplanes that took off in November 2013 with over 4.5 million pilots, and the naval World of Warships, scheduled for release in 2014. In June 2012, Wargaming announced the Wargaming.net Service, the epicenter of a battle centric gaming universe that will gather the series under a single portal — www.wargaming.net. Key features of the globally integrated Wargaming.net Service, will include: One Destination: The portal will give gamers one-stop access to all three titles and showcase a world at war — whether they are playing with Tanks, Warplanes or Warships. Simple Access: Players will receive unified Wargaming.net IDs that will provide instant access to all their games and services; as well as any partner or fan websites. Common Economics: The introduction of common economics for the three titles allows players to transfer Gold and Free Experience between them. Single MMO Battle Realm: Tank, Warplane, and Warship clans will be assisting each other in their ground, air and sea attacks for world domination.
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- Wersja4
- Zaktualizowano27 lutego 2014
- SprzedawcaMiniDude
- Rozmiar2.65MiB
- JęzykiEnglish
- Osoba niebędąca przedsiębiorcąTen deweloper nie określił, że jest przedsiębiorcą. Pamiętaj, że prawa konsumentów nie obowiązują w przypadku umów zawartych między tym deweloperem a konsumentami z Unii Europejskiej.
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