Imatge del logotip de l'element per a EasyBib Toolbar

EasyBib Toolbar

102 puntuacions

Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 4
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 1
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 2
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 3
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 4
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 1
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 1
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 2
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 3
Element de contingut multimèdia: captura de pantalla 4

Visió general

Cite web sites with one click using the EasyBib Toolbar and receive advice on the credibility of the web site you're citing.

EasyBib is the world's largest bibliography maker and citation machine. Our EasyBib toolbar will let you cite web sites with one click. Receive advice on the credibility of the web site you're citing. Cite as many sources as you need to build a fully-formatted, alphabetized, and Word-processor-ready bibliography.

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  • Versió
  • Actualitzat
    19 de novembre del 2024
  • Mida
  • Idiomes
    English (United States)
  • Desenvolupador
    3990 Freedom Cir Santa Clara, CA 95054-1204 US
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    +1 707-365-1339
  • Comerciant
    Aquest desenvolupador s'ha identificat com a comerciant segons la definició de la Unió Europea.
  • DUNS


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Aquest desenvolupador declara que les teves dades:

  • No es venen a tercers, fora dels casos d'ús aprovats
  • No s'utilitzen ni es transfereixen amb finalitats que no estiguin relacionades amb la funcionalitat principal de l'element.
  • No s'utilitzen ni es transfereixen per determinar la situació creditícia ni per a finalitats de préstec


Si tens cap pregunta, suggeriment o problema, visita el lloc web d'assistència del desenvolupador


Diigo Web Collector - Capture and Annotate

4,6(2,3 k)

Bookmark, Archive, Screenshot & Markup - All-In-One Web Collector, must-have research tool

Citationsy - Cite Websites and Papers


Reference websites and papers with a single click, powered by Citationsy


4,8(1,7 k)

Quickly enable/disable Google Chrome extensions

Goobric Web App Launcher


This extension launches the Goobric web app, a rubric based assessment tool that works with the Doctopus Add-on for Google Sheets.

MyBib: Free Citation Generator

4,8(1,5 k)

Automatically create APA style, MLA format, and Harvard referencing style citations with our citation generator add-on for Chrome.



such god doge

Cite This For Me: Web Citer


Automatically create website citations in the APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard referencing styles at the click of a button.

Chrome Snake


Play snake at anytime just by opening a new tab

Tab Glue


This extension glues windows together.



Citation maker exports webpages, check credibility, built in bibliography. MLA 8, MLA 7, APA. EZcite. Easybib. Noodletools. Cite

Google Tone


Emeteu un URL a ordinadors que puguin detectar el so.

Read&Write for Google Chrome™

3,5(1,6 k)

Boost reading and writing confidence across all types of content and devices, in class, at work, and at home.

Diigo Web Collector - Capture and Annotate

4,6(2,3 k)

Bookmark, Archive, Screenshot & Markup - All-In-One Web Collector, must-have research tool

Citationsy - Cite Websites and Papers


Reference websites and papers with a single click, powered by Citationsy


4,8(1,7 k)

Quickly enable/disable Google Chrome extensions

Goobric Web App Launcher


This extension launches the Goobric web app, a rubric based assessment tool that works with the Doctopus Add-on for Google Sheets.

MyBib: Free Citation Generator

4,8(1,5 k)

Automatically create APA style, MLA format, and Harvard referencing style citations with our citation generator add-on for Chrome.



such god doge

Cite This For Me: Web Citer


Automatically create website citations in the APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard referencing styles at the click of a button.

Chrome Snake


Play snake at anytime just by opening a new tab

Aplicacions de Google