Elementets logobillede for Easy Login for Interactive Brokers

Easy Login for Interactive Brokers

Screenshot af 2-medieindhold for elementet
Screenshot af 1-medieindhold for elementet
Screenshot af 2-medieindhold for elementet
Screenshot af 1-medieindhold for elementet
Screenshot af 1-medieindhold for elementet
Screenshot af 2-medieindhold for elementet


Base Level Extension

This extension contains a neural network trained to recognise digits that appear when you log into your Interactive Brokers account. It automatically fetches the corresponding codes from your security card, saving you from having to find your card and extract the codes yourself. The entire process is run locally, meaning that the neural network is embedded into the extension itself and not hosted on a server somewhere else. The card details will be saved in the chrome local storage and can't be accessed by anyone else. It works on all urls that are on the interactivebrokers.com host. If you are viewing a url from another host the extension will become inactive. Usage: 1) Click on the "Card" button on the extension to fill out your card details (the next update will include a feature that automatically fills out the details from photos of your card) 2) Login to either web trader or account management at Interactive Brokers 3) When the index number image appears, click "Run" on the extension. The digits and codes will then appear on the pop-up of the extension Full code: https://github.com/ivan-chan123/easy-login-for-interactive-brokers

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  • Version
  • Opdateret
    29. september 2018
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