Easy Ad Blocker - Chrome Web Store
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Easy Ad Blocker


638 Bewertungen

ErweiterungWorkflow & Planung100.000 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot


Adblocker fast, effective and easy to use.

With Easy Ad Blocker you will be able to: - Block Video Ads - Block Annoying Banners - Block Pop-Ups - Block Crypto Miners - Block Phishing Websites - Speed Up Your Navigation - Save On Bandwidth Easy Ad Blocker is a free Google Chrome extension that will get rid of ads, banners and pop-ups. Easy Ad Blocker is one of the best ad blockers, and it can automatically block many different kinds of ads. It operates as a Chrome extension, so it stays in the background as you surf, and it's as effective as other less user-friendly ad blockers like AdBlock Plus, uBlock Origin, Ghostery, AdGuard Adblocker and so on. The goal of any ad block software is to stop intrusiveness. One way to do this is to remove all ads that have the potential to be intrusive. This ad blocker is among the best in that regard, because it prevents so many different types of ads. This includes pop-ups, banners and even malicious objects that are used for phishing or by crypto-miners to consume your resources. An additional benefit of choosing to ad block in this manner is that you speed up your web surfing. Excessive advertising not only creates a slow, annoying and user-unfriendly web experience, but it actually consumes more bandwidth. If you are on a quote, for instance, then that can be quite serious, especially when ads automatically begin playing bandwidth-intensive video ads and the like.

4,7 von 5638 Bewertungen

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Mila Sarafimova21.10.2020

wow im aaaaa

1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
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Henri Ott01.07.2019

Entfernt sogar Youtube Werbung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GEEEEIEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 von 4 fanden diese Rezension hilfreich


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