Imagem do logotipo de Dawdle Block

Dawdle Block

9 notas

ExtensãoWorkflow e planejamento132 usuários
Captura de tela da mídia 3
Captura de tela da mídia 1
Captura de tela da mídia 2
Captura de tela da mídia 3
Captura de tela da mídia 1
Captura de tela da mídia 1
Captura de tela da mídia 2
Captura de tela da mídia 3

Visão geral

Put time limits on unproductive sites.

Dawdle block limits the usage of time-wasting sites by blocking them after the time limit you set is exceeded. Avoid procrastination. You can set a daily time limit, active hours and active days. You can specify urls or parts of them to match visited sites. If a match is found your time limit begins to deplete. When the time is used up, the blacklisted sites are blocked. You can also whitelist sites to not deplete the time. For example you can block the whole domain, but allow You can whitelist or blacklist specific YouTube channels or genres. You can set different rules for different times of the day, different days of the week or anything you can come up with using multiple independent block sets. You can have up to 50 of them. ------------------------------------------------------ Patch notes: Version 1.5.2 - Save indicator made sticky to always be on screen - Small visual improvements Version 1.5.1 - Fix inability to add more than 15 block sets in options. - Switch to overall more usable whole page options menu Version 1.5.0 - Added compression for saves to allow more blocking rules for each block set (from ~80 rules to 500 and more depending on shortness of the rules) - Improved save indicator * Message shown is clearer than before when settings are successfully saved * Now shows a message if there was an error when saving, eg. storage is full - Fixed timer not resetting in some situations - Improved annoy mode banner consistency on different websites - Added hover tooltip to show full contents of long blocking rules Version 1.4.7 - Fixed bug where deleting drag and dropped block sets would break the settings user interface until reload - Annoy mode banner made more consistent on different websites Version 1.4.6 - Fixed colors in typing test to be visible in dark mode Version 1.4.5 - Fixed bug where "Require active" setting could not be unchecked Version 1.4.4 - Fixed bug where youtube playlists would get blocked unintentionally Version 1.4.3 - Numbers in number input now distinguishable from the background in dark mode - Fixed bug where first blacklist/whitelist rule was always deleted regardless of button pressed - Fixed typos Version 1.4.1 - Fixed old help message Version 1.4.0 - Implemented settings protection system, which allows you to edit settings when timers are zero Version 1.3.1 - Fixed bug that caused the wrong blacklist rules to be removed when the amount of rules exceeded 10 Version 1.3.0 - Removed unintended regex matching (eg. characters "?", "*", "+", and "=" didn't work correctly) - Added intentional regex matching - Added ability to choose if unfocused tabs deplete time - Small tweaks Version 1.2.1 - Active dates now applied more reliably Version 1.2.0 - Now uses a much more reliable alarms api for resetting timers - UI improvements on Firefox - Cursor now clearly shows when an option is disabled Version 1.1.6 - Fixed a bug where users could not add YouTube channels from the options page Version 1.1.4 - Sorted out library links to satisfy Mozilla's security policies Version 1.1.3 - Fixed a bug where timer would reset every time when opening the browser Version 1.1.2 - Popup buttons are now not disabled when annoy mode is on (same behaviour as options page) Version 1.1.1 - Annoy mode banner font more reliably pretty - Firefox specific css optimization Version 1.1.0 - Annoy mode * shows overtime in a banner instead of blocking * less intrusive way to discourage website usage - Dark theme - Slight visual update - Small stuff * periodic saving made more bandwith efficient * corrected typos * fixed issue, where in rare cases time elapsed at double rate

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    20 de fevereiro de 2022
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