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Jan 11, 2021
Changing text color doesn't work
It is possible to change the background color to anything but when I attempt to change text color it simply doesn't change anything at all in outputs.
I'm aiming to have black text on a light back ground as the default white text on black background is tough on the eyes.
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Valdus Constante
Nov 2, 2020
How do you do aliases?
I see you have triggers, but how do you do aliases?
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Adam Morris
May 5, 2020
Line breaks
Hi I was curious how one does line breaks in duckclient. Normally I've always used %r or %t, but this client doesn't seem to accept those Any help here would be greatly appreciated!
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Kristii Holmes
Mar 18, 2020
Directions input
I play Realms of Despair and I am used to playing on ZMud and CMud, but I am currently using a Samsung Chromebook so they're not compatible with this OS. I tested to see if I could do the same thing I do on CMud when going to an area, but I can't. I was wondering if you could tell me another way or if there are plans to add it in to your client? Usually I can copy and paste the dirs and it look like this e;s;e;e;w;u and it would take me east, south, east, east, etc etc.
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Grant Spanier
Sep 5, 2019
Keep last input
Would it be possible to have an option to keep the last input? The mud I play you often want to repeat the last command a few times, so it would be nice if there was an option to just have it stay in the input box but be selected so that if I were to type any other command it would be overwritten by the new input. I hope this makes sense!
Also, when you pop out the window to a new window, the input box color goes back to white instead of remaining whatever color you have set it to.
It would also be nice if you could change the entire color scheme, the white even on the borders at the top of the screen can be quite blinding for long term play and it would be nice if there could be a 'dark mode' or similar options to black everything out.
Thank you!
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Kevin Foster
Jan 25, 2019
I'm having the issue as described in both of these problems. When I first log into a MUSH, the display is fine. When I use 'l' to look at the room, the exact same information is parsed back and is truncated/mixed together with some pieces being at the top when they should be at the bottom, in the middle, etc.
Let me know how to get you info, screenshot, etc.
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Diana Miller
Jan 20, 2019
Input window color
Is it possible to change the color of the input window so that it matches the output window color?
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Samuel Wallman
Jan 16, 2019
Crash and Misalignment
I have DuckClient on my Samsung Chromebook.
When I've played, lately, information loads out of order. If I'm playing a MUSH, and I check WHO, the bottom half of the list loads first, and the top loads second, or sometimes doesn't load at all.
In the past few days, It has also crashed, and I can't reopen it. I had to delete the extension and redownload it.
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Darcy Biron
Dec 31, 2018
How would I highlight the following in a color.
You craft a jar successfully.
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Darcy Biron
Dec 31, 2018
trigger highlights
How exactly would I make the the following line be highlighted in a color?
You craft a jar successfully.
I see triggers, selected the color but i'm not sure what I'm doing wrong Thanks
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