Descripción general
Dualless - For those who don't have dual monitor.
Dualless is a poor man's dual monitor solution. It splits your browser windows into two by just 2 clicks. The ratio can be adjusted according to your needs.You may have a browser window showing on the right that occupy 30% of your screen. Then the rest of space leave to Google+. The extension simulates the environment of dual monitor. Utilize the space for 16:9 monitor Features * Split current browser window into a pair. And resize their position and size according to the ratio specified by user. (3:7,4:6,5:5,6:4,7:3) * Merge splitted browser windows back to a single window , or make it occupy the full screen area. * MacOS X like windows management. When one of the splitted windows got focused, the other in pair will be shown together. They always occupy the whole screen. * Press middle key on split window button will duplicate the current page on other window. * Bookmark management. Relaunch your favior site in a new tab and windows will be splitted in the recorded ratio. The software is released under open source license of GPL 2.0 Changes ====== Releaser 0.4.1 Date: 2023-12-29 * Bug Fix - crash browser during split / merge * Bug Fix - splitted window size is invalid * Changes: Migrated to Extension V3 API Release 0.4 * Added auto maximize mode * After splitted, if one of the window close, the remaining one will be maximized to occupy all the space * Added bookmark support Release 0.3 * Now works with maximized window! * Press middle key on split window button will duplicate the current page on other window. * Vertical split is supported. * Options page is added. User may enable/disable pairing mode(MacOS simulation) * Ubuntu with Unity works better now
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Google no verifica las opiniones. Obtén más información sobre los resultados y las opiniones.
Usualmente muy útil para dividir la pantalla, extraordinaria herramienta para dar clases durante la pandemia. Ultimamante no puedo tener acceso, cada vez que lo quiero abrir, me saca de internet y cierra todas mis ventanas.
Juan Ignacio Jimenez Miranda8 oct 2022
Rápido y cómodo para dividir la pantalla en varias zonas.
Necul Apeleo Felipe6 abr 2022
esta ultra piola me sirvio demasiado el año anterior y espero que este igual, aunque no entiendo porque tiene acceso a mi historial kadkjnkd, seguro ya me robaron un monton de info pero en fin
- Versión0.4.1
- Fecha de actualización29 de diciembre de 2023
- Ofrecido porBen Lau
- Tamaño266KiB
- IdiomasEnglish (UK)
- Desarrollador
Correo electrónico - No comercianteEl desarrollador no se identificó como comerciante. Si eres un consumidor de la Unión Europea, ten en cuenta que los derechos de los consumidores no aplican a los contratos entre el desarrollador y tú.
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