Dstny Crm Connect - Chrome Web Store
Immagine del logo dell'elemento per Dstny Crm Connect

Dstny Crm Connect

EstensioneLavoro e pianificazione26 utenti
Screenshot 1 multimediale dell'elemento


Dstny Crm Connect er en lookup service, som kan integrere din telefoni med de fleste gængse CRM og Ticketing systemer.

WHY CRM CONNECT? • CRM Connect enables the customer to connect their CRM system to their Dstny Cloud PBX and display customer information on incoming and outgoing calls. • By enabling this, the user receives relevant CRM information at the right time, enabling them to improve the customer experience and simply their everyday lives. WHAT IS CRM CONNECT? • CRM Connect is server-side and support the most used ERP’s and CRM’s in the market. The information is then rendered in a Chrome plug-in (and will later be available in our mobile apps and in ConnectMe). • CRM Connect also enables the service provider to easily create custom CRM connectors to tailor to specific customer and niche market needs. • With CRM Connect, one can also create custom buttons (such as opening customer cards, creating new tickets) and embed webcontent directly in the CRM Connect interface.

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  • Versione
  • Ultimo aggiornamento:
    9 ottobre 2023
  • Dimensioni
  • Lingue
    14 lingue
  • Sviluppatore
    Skodsborgvej 305 Nærum 2850 DK
    Sito web
  • Commerciante
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