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Pedro Mendes
Jan 15, 2016
Prevents control of Youtube Videos
If you have RES installed you can watch embedded youtube videos in a thread:
If you go "full screen" in the youtube video the controls go over the youtube video and prevents the user to control the youtube video in the bottom right corner:
The class "mfb-component--br mfb-slidein-spring" has "z-index: 2147483647;" any value of z-index between 2147483646 and 0 fixes the problem and still shows over the reddit thread.
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Filip Giera
Jan 8, 2016
Option for non-animated scrolling?
I love your creation, but could you please add an option to turn off the scrolling animation so that the window just jumps straight to the comment? Like the SHIFT+J/SHIFT+K behaviour in RES.
The scrolling makes me nauseous :S
I would very much appreciate this.
Thanks for the extension <3
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