Item logo image for The FFZ Enhancing Add-On

The FFZ Enhancing Add-On


18 ratings

ExtensionWorkflow & Planning10,000 users

8 support issues

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Mike X

Sep 27, 2021

Fix, moving user list to bottom. it's broken!!!

Please fix moving user list to the bottom. the button is broken now. please don't leave us hanging. please give us a update!!! adding a refresh chat or clear chat button would be awesome too. but at the the very least please fix some of the things that are now currently broken. PLEASE!!!

Schlup auge

Jan 28, 2020

Pin messages with mentions

a timier for out fade would be great


Nov 23, 2019

Functionality in Twitch's Popout Player

Since I started using this extension and the Maximum Video Delay/Increased Playback Rate functionality, I noticed that it doesn't have any effect when using Twitch's popout player. It works fine when watching streams on the main page.

Is this something that can be fixed? Is the popout player not supported respectively can support be added?


Brandon Giesing

Oct 25, 2019

You should submit it to the official addon repo. So we no longer need to install a separate extension that uses more resources like FFZ:AP did.

joe smith

Oct 17, 2019

This needs to be updated for the new Highwind Twitch player

The features of this addon aren't working with the new Highwind Twitch video player, please update this addon to work with the new player please. I've come to depend on this addon with keeping the streams from lagging too much.

Thank you very much

Braulio Fernandez

May 8, 2018

Skip to maximum video delay

Would it be possible to skip video to the 'maximum video delay' rather than fast forward?
Perhaps this could be a quick button press.


Feb 22, 2018

Not working all of a sudden

The last few days it basically has't worked at all, not sure what changed.


Sep 21, 2017

Keep Video Delay Low - Issue


The "Keep Video Delay Low" feature also affects VODs/uploads, and not just streams.
If we try to manually change the video speed on VODs/uploads to 1.0, it goes back 1.2x speed after a short while.

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