6 support issues

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Israel Nunez Berrios

May 27, 2024


Hello, Is it possible to generate a graph for a document with more than 10 000 characters? I have tried but i doesn't load at all.

Joe Moses

Apr 30, 2022

Character count

I'm wondering why you decided to count characters instead of words. As a writing instructor, I use word count as one way of measuring individual contributions to team-written documents, so word count as well as character count is good to know.

alexandra zakharova

Jun 26, 2021

DocuViz crashes or just shows the last month

Recently DocuViz has been showing only the last month of the revisions. Furthermore, it is unable to generate a graph for a document with 40000+ revisions. It simply crashes. Please help!

ppllooppyy ppllooppyy

Mar 25, 2020


I haven't downloaded this yet but i just want to know does this highlight things in the document with certain colors if it was typed by a specific person?

Francesca Gomes

Jun 15, 2019

Stuck on (loadingchanges)

The screenshots of this extension look fantastic--I'm a teacher, and it seems like this could really help me!

But the DocuViz button at the top of google docs is locked at "DocuViz (loadingchanges)" and I cannot click the button. I have tried leaving it up on two different documents for several hours, and still nothing. Help?

James Norman

Apr 12, 2019

Issue Loading

Docuviz only loads 15 changes and then stops.

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