Send docs for electronic signature, or add your own signature in minutes. Sign PDFs directly from Google Drive or Gmail.
Need others to sign? DocuSign also makes it easy for you to send out documents for signature. DocuSign is the leader in eSignature. Key features of DocuSign for Google Drive: 1) Send and Sign from Gmail and Google Drive - Right-click on any of your files to send with DocuSign. Guide signers with clear fields to complete the document. Send quickly to signer’s email inbox. - Are you the only one signing? Sign unlimited documents for free on your account. - Need others to sign? Your first 3 signature requests are free. 2) Store securely in Google Drive - Completed documents are automatically returned and stored for you, making for easy retrieval and organization. 3) Real-time status updates - Timestamps will show you when your signers have opened, viewed, and signed your documents. 4) Access account from any device, anywhere - DocuSign works with any device so that you can sign and send on the go About DocuSign: DocuSign provides a simple and secure way to electronically sign documents and collect signatures from others. Install the Docusign for Google Drive app today and eliminate the costs, hassle, and lack of security in paper-based transactions. With just a few clicks you can sign and send any document for signature right from Google Drive or Gmail. No printing, faxing, scanning, or overnighting required. Once you’ve tried DocuSign, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it! DocuSign is the most widely used eSignature platform in the world, and is trusted by millions who have DocuSigned in 188 countries. It is used in nearly every industry and department, including finance, legal, human resources, sales, real estate, healthcare, and many others. * Featured in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Bloomberg, Forbes, TechCrunch, and more* Want to learn more about our advanced features? Go to http://www.docusign.com.
S PJun 1, 2021
Awesome easy to use.
Geoffrey HemeMar 11, 2020
Sandra RothOct 2, 2019
Had trouble with my password, even when it was reset
- Version4.2.0
- UpdatedJune 28, 2021
- Size12.25KiB
- Languages14 languages
- DeveloperWebsite
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