Let Shia Labeouf motivate you with "JUST DO IT!" monolugue
Inspired by eTaheri this is a better version of "JUST DO IT" by Shai Labeouf - 6 different video clips (SUPER PACK) - random clip each time - got tired of a video, no problem! just click the button to get another one. *** RUN OUTSIDE THE CHROME STORE *** Release Notes : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.5 ---- - restrain popup - add facebook support 1.4 ---- better appearance frequency for banner 1.3 ---- smoother banner 1.2 ---- - popup alert if trying to run on chrome blank screen (blocking content scripts) - smoother banner 1.1 ---- - popup alert if trying to run inside chrome store. 1.0 ---- - fixed the cutting on the original video - fixed title on chrome store - guys please rate me on the chrome store! this will really help - enjoy!
Richard Baal2015/10/20
- バージョン0.15
- 更新:2015年11月3日
- 提供元CasuaLoL
- サイズ12.22MiB
- 言語English
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