Chile y Limón의 상품 로고 이미지

Chile y Limón


평점 233개

테마80,000 사용자
항목 미디어 1 스크린샷


Chile y Limón: By Liz Hernández

“‘Chile y Limón’ depicts the simple act of cutting fresh fruit and sprinkling chili powder on it. This humble action transforms an already perfect snack into a complex, nostalgic treat.” Liz Hernández is a Mexican artist based in Oakland, California. Her art practice, which includes painting, drawing, sculpture, and writing, is deeply influenced by her memories and surroundings of Mexico City. -- "’Chile y Limón’ retrata el simple acto de cortar una fruta fresca y rociarle chile en polvo. Esta humilde acción transforma un bocadillo ya perfecto en una delicia nostálgica y compleja.” Liz Hernández es una artista mexicana que vive en Oakland, California. Su práctica artística, que incluye pintar, dibujar, esculpir y escribir, está profundamente influenciada por sus recuerdos y entorno de Ciudad de México.

5점 만점에 4.7점평점 233개

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    2021년 9월 16일
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