Imagem do logotipo de Game of Thrones: Stark

Game of Thrones: Stark


3,6 mil notas

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Captura de tela da mídia 2
Captura de tela da mídia 1
Captura de tela da mídia 2
Captura de tela da mídia 1
Captura de tela da mídia 1
Captura de tela da mídia 2

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A Chrome theme based on the best-selling novel and the hit-series, A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin.…

A Chrome theme based on the best-selling novel and the hit-series, A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. Based on House Stark. -------------------------- Changelog: 1.1.1 - Included the latest background. 1.1 - Updated some of the images and parts of the manifest file with new changes. 1.0.2 - Made the theme attribution smaller due to popular demand. 1.0.1 - The bar that shows links on hover-over became lighter. Also centered the background on new tabs. Version 1 is live! -------------------------- Contact: Twitter: @Thunderclaww Email:

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  • Atualização
    19 de janeiro de 2014
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