Pass box: изображение логотипа

Pass box


8 оценок

РасширениеРабота и планирование103 пользователя
Скриншот: 4
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Скриншот: 4
Скриншот: 1
Скриншот: 1
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Скриншот: 4


Passbox is a password manager. It manage your logins as a bookmark with auto-login functionality

============================================================= Dear Users, Passbox is back.New look, new notifications. Have fun........ ============================================================= Passbox is a password manager on the cloud. It saves your web ID(s) in an online bookmark with auto-login functionality. With Passbox you can: 1. Save a your credentials for any website 2. Login to them using directly from the application 3. Edit/delete an existing entry 4. Access to your account from any computer 5. Generate strong passwords for your accounts Having a google account is required to use Passbox. During the setup you will be asked to provide a password. This password is the encryption key. Passbox uses your google drive account to store your IDs in a specific spreadsheet (there is no third party storage). Passbbox use OAuth authentification process provide by google. So don't worry about your password.It's never used. Before a logout you will be asked if you want to revoke your authentification tokens. The access is re-granted for the next login using the same process during the first setup.

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  • Версия
  • Обновлено
    13 апреля 2015 г.
  • Автор:
  • Размер
  • Языки
    English (United States)
  • Не продавец
    Разработчик не указал для себя статус продавца. Просим клиентов из Европейского союза обратить внимание, что на сделки между вами и этим разработчиком не распространяются законы о защите прав потребителей.


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