Cycle Input Focus Plus
3 оценки
Cycle through (text) inputs with a keycombo. Find and focus username and password fields (for password managers, like KeePass).
Cycle through (text) inputs with a keycombo. Find and focus username and password fields (works great with external password managers, like KeePass). Based on the Cycle Input Focus add-on by P.C Spruijtenburg This addon provides the following functions (shortcuts are configurable): - goto previous text input field - goto next text input field - goto first login (user name) field (a field preceding a password field) - goto next password field - goto next login (user name) field - goto first password field - goto first (starting) text input field
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- Версия3.0.1
- Обновлено30 апреля 2020 г.
- Автор:Thomas Henlich
- Размер6.3KiB
- ЯзыкиПоддерживаемых языков: 2
- РазработчикIngenieurbüro Henlich
Grünewaldstraße 57 Heilbronn 74080 GermanyЭлектронная почта
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