Word Replacer II
354 оценки
Change your world one word at a time.
What is Word Replacer? Word Replacer is a simple extension inspired by the popular 'Cloud to Butt'. It does much more than that, allowing you to create entire lists of replacements and customize them to your tastes. WORD REPLACER HAS RECENTLY UNDERGONE A HUGE UPDATE. And if you didn't like it before, you should give it a second try now. Many annoyances don't exist anymore, and the extension is much more powerful. What is Word Replacer useful for? That depends on you. I initially made the extension for myself, but the increasing number of reviews suggesting novel uses for Word Replacer may give you some insight. Personally, I'd recommend starting with popular replacements such as the XKCD (http://xkcd.com/) ones. They make surfing the web more fun, even more so when you're not expecting them! How do I use it? Detailed instructions can be read from the settings page. Please read carefully the user manual and the about page if there is anything that's not intuitive enough. And if it isn't, please tell me so that I can make it better.
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- Версия2.0.10
- Обновлено31 августа 2019 г.
- Автор:G3Kappa
- Размер89.61KiB
- ЯзыкиEnglish
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