118 support issues

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Kaede Anderson

Jan 14, 2022

sign up error

i try to sign up an dit shows error


Dec 29, 2021

Sign-up Error

Every time I try to sign-up through the extension an error comes up at the bottom and doesn't allow me to sign-up.

Sherri Diaz

Aug 14, 2021


unable to use not even loading don"t know how to use chrome book very well.

Judy Sanders

Jul 1, 2020

Chat not synced

I am unable to see my friend chatting. We've tried with both of us hosting to see if it made a difference.

Matt Gatenby

Jun 28, 2020

Cant use it

when i click on the extension to open a room it is now asking me for an email address and a password. Why is this happening?

Beau Bridgeman

Jun 27, 2020

Sync Video

Hi, does this extension allow to sync the actual video that the host is playing with other members in the party?

Alfredo Aloi

Jun 27, 2020

Cannot join a movie

failed to execute 'setLocalDescription' on 'RTCPeerConnection': Failed to set local answer sdp: Called in wrong state: kStable


Jun 27, 2020

Note from the Developer

Please email support@trip-software.com with any issues you have. You are much more likely to get help there. Thank you.

Paula Asinas

Jun 26, 2020

Cannot log in

How do I get this to start working? All I get when I click on the extension is a request for an email and password. I've tried my DisneyPlus email & password as well as my gmail (which are two different logins). Neither one work

Brittney Rokicki

Jun 25, 2020

Max Users

Is there a maximum number of users who can join the party at once (from different accounts)?

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