Desktop Messenger for WhatsApp - Chrome'i veebipood
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Desktop Messenger for WhatsApp


21 hinnangut

LaiendusSuhtlusvõrgustikud30 000 kasutajad
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Get convenient access to your posts in WhatsApp. Receive notification for a new messages. WhatsApp non official App.

WhatsApp Web Simple Whatsapp Web shortcut! Desktop WhatsA - online messenger or web version for WhatsApp messenger. The WhatsApp Desktop app doesn't require a desktop version of WhatsApp on your PC/ installed. WhatsApp Web and Desktop apps are an extension on your Browser. They mirror all the conversations and messages you have on the WhatsApp app on your phone and allow you to see them all and reply to them all on your PC or Mac using your computer's keyboard instead of the keyboard on your smartphone. Enables always-on desktop notifications: Chrome will run in background mode permanently, keeping track and showing your WhatsApp notifications instantly. You can click on the notifications to go directly to the relevant chat. Some important features: 1. A comprehensive WhatsApp Web client right in your browser's toolbar popup UI. 2. Notifies you (via badge icon text) every time something happens on WhatsApp within the people in your chat list. The official WhatsApp software is only released for smart phones and web. WhatsApp is a registered trademark WhatsApp Inc. WhatsApp Desktop App is not related to the corporation and developed as an independent project. This extension is not related in any way to WhatsApp Inc.

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  • Versioon
  • Värskendatud
    12. märts 2024
  • Pakub:
  • Suurus
  • Keeled
    53 keelt
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