(DEPRECATED: USE THE EXTENSION) Terminal emulator and SSH and SFTP client.
********************************************************** This Chrome App version has been deprecated and is no longer receiving updates. All users (including on Chrome OS) should migrate to the extension version at their earliest possible convenience: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/iodihamcpbpeioajjeobimgagajmlibd ********************************************************** Secure Shell is an xterm-compatible terminal emulator and stand-alone ssh client for Chrome. It uses Native-Client to connect directly to ssh servers without the need for external proxies. A SFTP command line client is included. On Chrome OS, you can create SFTP mounts and access them from the Files app! It has been well tested for a couple of years. Please read the FAQ, available here: https://hterm.org/x/ssh/faq. You can also exchange feedback in the chromium-hterm mailing list, available here: https://hterm.org/x/ssh/contact. The changelog is available here: https://hterm.org/x/ssh/changelog
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