Logobild des Artikels für FollowMyKinox



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Plugin to connect followmy.tv with kinox.to.

FollowMyKinox - Improving your TV experience FollowMyKinox is a easy-to-use plugin for all followmy.tv users, who watch their favourite shows on kinox.to. It provides an additional button for each list entry in the show list. This button sends you directly to the corresponding kinox.to season and episode you want to watch next. How does it work: - Install the plugin - Go to the show list: http://followmy.tv/show_list - By hovering over an entry you will see 2 additional buttons on the right - The first time hit "Source" and enter the url on kinox.to of the show you want to watch - From now on you can simply hit the "kinox.to" button to get directly to the show, season and episode If you want support for other services than kinox.to, please let me know! Disclaimer: Please make sure that the usage of kinox.to is allowed in your country if you want to use this extension. I don't support illegal use of any services in any kind.

4,2 von 59 Bewertungen

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    14. November 2015
  • Angeboten von
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    English (United States)
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