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Decreased Productivity

260 ratings

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Discreetly surf the web! Control exactly how you want web pages to look like.

Decreased Productivity (DP) creates a more "consistent" browsing experience (for you and others around you) by letting you control what you want to see ("stealth browsing" => text/page background colours, the cloaking of images, hiding page favicons, changing fonts, etc.). You can choose what style you want (e.g. green text on a black background) by going to the Options page (right-click on icon in address bar and click on "Options"). DP has tab-specific support and domain whitelisting/blacklisting! Supports Arabic, German, English (US), English (British), Spanish, Tagalog, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Vietnamese, Chinese (Simplified), and Chinese (Traditional)! Please note that I am not responsible for what you do with this extension and any subsequent consequences; please browse responsibly. Featured on Lifehacker: Feature List: -change the default font for cloaked pages (Calibri, Helvetica, Arial, or leave page fonts unchanged) -set page background, text, link, and table border colours -hide page icons (aka favicons) -replace page titles -keyboard toggle (CTRL + 12) -choose between tab-specific cloaking or global cloaking -choose whether new tabs are cloaked or uncloaked by default -control image opacity -whitelist/blacklist domains (whitelisted domains will never be cloaked while blacklisted domains will always be cloaked (even if "Enable" is unticked)) -add right-click option to open links/images safely (can be removed in Options) -choose between four modes: Paranoid (remove images and multimedia), SFW1 (cloak images and remove multimedia), SFW2 (cloak images only), and NSFW (show all) -add toggle icon in address bar (can be removed in Options) -choose to always show images that are within a specified dimension ################################################# Changelog: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.46.34 - Sunday, August 21, 2011 -Español and Japanese locales updated (thank you Luciano and Yamaji for translating!) -fixed minor locale issue in the Options page (thanks Yamaji) v0.46.33 - Wednesday, August 10, 2011 -you can now set how transparent images are! (unhovered and hovered; live example provided in the Options page) -added keyboard shortcut (CTRL+F12) to toggle the cloaking of pages! (enabled by default; you can disable this in the Options page) -fixed possible memory leak (and intermittent browser crash (?)) (related to the page title cloaking function and an infinite loop) -minor updates to the Español locale (thanks Luciano) -updated coffee-buyer list :) v0.46.31-0.46.32 - Tuesday, August 9, 2011 -made blacklist/whitelists easier to read -added option to unbold text -added Monospace and Serif font options -(and updated coffee-buyer list :)) v0.46.29-v0.46.30 - Monday, August 1, 2011 -optimized code (refactored to leverage jQuery for content scripting) -added functions to make cloaking more reliable and miss less elements (div, links, spans, and page titles (Facebook would update its title periodically and "undo" the title cloaking... not anymore!)) -made "Enable Stickiness" disabled by default for fresh installs (Stickiness: new tabs from cloaked pages are cloaked) -updated coffee-buyer list :) v0.46.27-v0.46.28 - Thursday, July 28, 2011 -added "catch-all" code to ensure all link colors are changed (if DP is enabled) -added "White - Green" color preset -updated the German locale (thanks Christoph!) -updated locale files to be easier to translate -added my contact information on the Options page so you can get in touch with me more easily! v0.46.21-v0.46.26 - Wednesday, July 27, 2011 -added option to always show images that are within a specified dimension (width x height in pixels). By default, this is disabled (0 x 0px). -updated behaviour to be more logical; now DP won't be automatically enabled on all sites once a blacklisted site is visited while in global mode -updated options page to be more intuitive (glorious lines! (aka borders)) -changed default font to Arial from Calibri (reasoning: Arial is older than Calibri and more likely to be on more systems). If Arial doesn't exist on the system, a sans-serif font will be used. v0.46.17-v0.46.20 - Monday, May 30, 2011 -added option to cloak page titles (disabled by default; default page title is "Google Chrome", but you can change it) -added color-picker popups for the color options in the Options page (and changed alert notifications into fade-in messages instead) -added "Enable Stickiness" option, where you can control whether or not tabs opened from a cloaked page are cloaked as well! (enabled by default) -added "Show Update Popup" option, where you can control whether or not you see the page that popups in the background with a list of what's new each time you are updated to a newer version of DP! (enabled by default) v0.46.10-v0.46.16 - Friday, May 20, 2011 -added domain whitelisting/blacklisting support -added option to hide page favicons -added SFW2 mode (cloak images only, leave Flash videos intact) -improved right-click context menu loading speed -set default text selection colours (white text on dark gray) -added compatibility for LastPass (autologin/autofill button display) -added update notification v0.46.6-0.46.9 - Wednesday, February 9, 2011 -corrected partial inheritance behavior (issue below still exists) (v0.46.9) -added ability to customize all styling colours and added live demo area to Options page (v0.46.7) -updated to support dark backgrounds (remove flicker upon page load) (v0.46.7) -further improved initial cloaking speed -code clean-up and optimization -support for inheritance a little buggy (if new link opens in background, then it will work properly; if the new link opens in the foreground, it will not inherit) v0.46.3-v0.46.5 - Monday, February 7, 2011 -corrected "Safely open in new tab" behavior (v0.46.5) -improved initial cloaking speed to prevent content from appearing on page load (v0.46.4) -added option to show/hide link underlines (enabled by default) -added option to set Level: NSFW (show all), SFW (cloak images and hide flash), Paranoid (hide everything) (SFW by default) v0.46.2 - Friday, February 4, 2011 -Happy Belated New Year! -added new style: "Dark Brown - Off-White" -added support for inheritance (e.g. if parent tab is cloaked, then all spawned child tabs will also be cloaked) v0.46.1 - Tuesday, December 7, 2010 -minor code changes that take into account whether or not the extension is enabled before initially hiding elements (should solve reference error) v0.46 - Monday, December 6, 2010 -fixed reported bug (with Google Apps; thanks Max!) -made minor code changes that may speed up initial element hiding v0.45 - Sunday, December 5, 2010 -fixed minor bugs (CSS; reported bug) -now initially hides all elements until page is loaded, where it then cloaks the page (there's still a slight flicker, but it should be substantially improved now) --I tried to change the default white background to match the chosen style, but I couldn't (so for those of you using the Black background like myself, you'll have to bear with blinding white screens between page loads :() -added names of more generous donors to Options page :) v0.43-v0.44 - Saturday, October 23, 2010 -v0.43: fixed bug where closing a new tab would uncloak a previously cloaked tab -v0.43: added option to leave font type and size unmodified ("-Unchanged-" for Font in Options page) -v0.44: made Options page more conspicuous (renamed title to "DP Options", made heading, options box and donation image translucent but opaque on hover) -----extension size is now 47kB instead of ~240kB (due to removal of 512x512 coffee cup image used in Options page) -----please try to use this extension responsibly v0.40-v0.42 - Tuesday, October 19, 2010 -fixed minor bugs -made text fields and textareas have a dotted outline for increased clarity -added list of generous donators in Options page (last names abbreviated for privacy); if you donate, you will be added :) v0.39 -added ability to set mode: Global or Page-Specific (we're limited to having only one icon in the address bar) -added option, if mode set to Page-Specific, to open new tabs as either Cloaked or Uncloaked. -added new style: "White - Gray" (white background with gray text/links) v0.38 - Monday, October 18, 2010 -made it so at least Chrome 6 has to be installed since this extension requires permission to use the context menu (re: the permissions[2] error) --will still have to look into why it's not working on Linux -to update your Chrome, click on the Wrench => About v0.37 -overall code clean-up and optimization for faster styling of pages v0.36 - Sunday, October 17, 2010 -added option to "Show Context Menu" -changes made in the Options page now take effect immediately to all tabs -clicking on "Safely open in new tab" will enable DP and also enable SFW Mode (since it doesn't make sense if it doesn't enable SFW Mode!) v0.35 -added "Safe-for-Work Mode" option; if enabled (which it is by default), it will cloak images and hide multimedia (e.g. Flash). If disabled, images and multimedia will appear normally at full opacity v0.34 -made the default font an option in the Options page v0.33 -set default font to Calibri and slightly increased font-size for readability v0.32 -added new style: Light Red - Pale Blue (based on f.lux's site: v0.31 -minor aesthetic change to Option page v0.3 -added "Safely open in new tab" support for images -different styles added v0.2 - Saturday, October 16, 2010 -added toggle icon -options to enable/disable cloaking and toggle icon -added right-click context menu item for links to "Safely open in new tab" v0.1 - Friday, July 23, 2010 -first version

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  • Version
  • Updated
    May 18, 2021
  • Size
  • Languages
    18 languages
  • Developer
  • Non-trader
    This developer has not identified itself as a trader. For consumers in the European Union, please note that consumer rights do not apply to contracts between you and this developer.


The developer has disclosed that it will not collect or use your data. To learn more, see the developer’s privacy policy.

This developer declares that your data is

  • Not being sold to third parties, outside of the approved use cases
  • Not being used or transferred for purposes that are unrelated to the item's core functionality
  • Not being used or transferred to determine creditworthiness or for lending purposes
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