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Debugger for Adobe Analytics


56 ratings


41 support issues

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Kathy Dyer

Oct 30, 2023

Is it still working?

I can't watch my metrics, I'm just seeing an error message that I can't understand :(
Adobe Client Data Layer v2.0.2 has already been imported/initialized on this page. You may be erroneously loading it a second time.

Jared Roder

Feb 9, 2023

Setting to log call objects in collapsed state.

Call objects I work with can be quite long, which makes parsing the logs a lot more difficult, especially when trying to look for specific ones. Having the logged call object collapsed by default will help me navigate through them more easily, and including it as a setting to the extension will keep default behavior unchanged for those that expect it.

Tobias Zillmann

Jul 20, 2022

Does not work

Hey unfortunately the extension does not seem to work :(
Tested Chrome 103.0.5060.114 on Windows10 on

Billy Linder

Feb 26, 2021

Link Name Color


First off, thanks for making this extension. It makes life so much easier for me and my team.

I wanted to make a suggestion that the blue color for click call link names be changed to a color that's easier to read in the console. I've tried using both light and dark theme in devtools, but in both instances it's difficult to read the link name value because of the color choice.

Thank you!


Aug 20, 2020

is this extension available in firefox as well ?

If so , can you share the link . I was not able to find it .

Corey Trent

Apr 28, 2020

Cookie type no longer showing

Currently using 1.4.4 on Chrome build: 81.0.4044.122 and cookie type no longer prints in the console log.

Michael Benin

Dec 16, 2019

Source code


Would you be open to publishing the source on github?



Nov 4, 2019

cant make it work

Hi Tomas
Thanks for this extension but I can't make this work. I am on MAC and I use the command and console is opened up but nothing is coming through


Stuart Crocker

Jun 5, 2019

Using the extension programatically with tools like Cypress

I'd love to use this with Cypress when setting routes to interrogate analytics messages from our web apps as part of our regression suite. Is there an npm package or similar API that we could use to help?

Sheetal Satish Babu

May 9, 2019

URL not loading with extension after Chrome Update

Unable to navigate to url with the extension added to chrome capabilities after the chrome update to v74. Seems to be some compatibility issues with the new version of chrome. Can you please help in resolving this
In my test, with the extension added in capabilities, the browser just opens and doesn't proceed further. If I manually click on the refresh button, the rest of the steps proceed. If I don't add the debugger extension, the url gets loaded properly.I tried with driver.get, driver.navigate and jscript executor also. But url is not loaded.

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