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DealsPlus Cashback & Coupons

110 ratings


4.8 out of 5

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Kenneth McClellanAug 25, 2023

Does not approve any cash out!! RIP OFF SCAM!

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ChristineMay 23, 2022

you don't get any money back mines been saying pending for a year

2 out of 2 found this helpful
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Minhyung LeeNov 4, 2020

One of the most helpful extensions I have. I have been using this site for over 5 yrs and so far the cash back works fine for me. :)

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Chankyung JungNov 3, 2020

Great update on the DealsPlus extension. Easy and intuitive to use. Very convenient for users

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Cora LeeOct 30, 2020

Convenient to find coupons directly from browser. I could find many valid coupon codes, seems like the update is going well. Definitely recommend to anyone who wants to save some cash.

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giung leeOct 30, 2020

Great quality coupons and unexpected cashback earnings! Thanks to DealsPlus, I've saved lots of time when I purchased items from my favorite stores. This extension let me find best coupons whenever I browse the stores. And I love the latest updates. Nice UI and cashback earnings after purchases! Interesting that I can earn cashback just by purchasing items through this extension!

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Scott AbeOct 28, 2020

Great up-to-date coupons and deals available! Plus, loving the cashback feature.

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Munkhzul GanboldApr 16, 2014

LOVE IT!!!!!

4 out of 4 found this helpful
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Erin AbfalterFeb 9, 2014

nice codes ..discounts...updates often

2 out of 3 found this helpful
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Federico GarciaMay 17, 2012

very useful. But the bar cover the information behind. is very difficult to change between google pages when the top bar is covered

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