3.8 out of 5

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Gareth ThomasOct 9, 2024

stopped before august for me seems it may need an update seeing as others are saying same thing. no point in installing this one just yet

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Daniel WolcottSep 21, 2024

Need an update please. Has not been working for a few months.

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Mylon PruettAug 8, 2024

This has been an amazing extension and only just recently stopped working. I honestly didn't realize how much I needed this until it wasn't there. It's wild now how much I miss this.

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EJ NielsJul 23, 2024

I have been using this extension for the last year and it has been AWESOME for my in-person and online games. All my characters are 'Public' facing so it has worked for all my Campaigns. Alas, it seems the latest update to DDB has caused this extension to stop working. I do hope the creators resolve this issue and it resumes working. Nonetheless, THANK YOU for the last 16 months for the ease it gave me as a DM!

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ExUnForgiv3n X (ExUnForgiv3nX)Jul 18, 2024

I believe the extension was built on v3 of the ddb service api and needs to be updated to v5 to continue working. As of 07/11/2024 this extension has not been working.

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Lukas PolanskyMay 25, 2024

To all users who can't get all their players to show up, make sure to set the characters visibility to Public under the character builder. It's at the very bottom of the page.

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Sam FraserApr 2, 2024

Sadly for me it only shows 1 of my 4 players. I'm hoping the creator will have a solution Otherwise i really love the look and idea of it.

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LeomistJan 8, 2024

Finally discovered that this extension applies ad's while editing the text in html of any item/feat/class/etc. When editing custom feat/spell/items etc it injects a code for an ad. So whatever you cerate has ad's built into it. Disabled this extension and re-edited my creations and no more ads in my stuff.

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The MuddlerOct 7, 2023

I love it. Sll I had to do was change my players characters status to public and it worked like a charm.

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Aurash MahbodJul 8, 2023

I love this extension!!!! I noticed a bug where the amulet of healing buffs increases con when attuned, giving more HP, but that HP (and associated +con bonus) is not reflected with this tool for some reason. Any chance you can take a look? Amazing job! Is there a place to donate $ to sponsor the dev?

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