This extension helps developers more efficiently build apps with the Play Framework.
Features * Auto-Refresh on Change * Open Editor to Error Notes To enable the auto-refresh in Play Framework applications you need to install an SBT plugin. More info: https://github.com/jamesward/play-auto-refresh Version 0.0.11 & 0.0.12 - The src file linking should work in Play 2.2 & 2.3 Version 0.0.9 & 0.0.10 - Attempt to fix the URL matching glob Version 0.0.8 - Works on any Play port Version 0.0.7 - Preserve scroll position Version 0.0.5 & 0.0.6 - Add the jQuery map file Version 0.0.4 - Small bug fixes Version 0.0.3 - When a editor URL does not have an HTTP handler, we can't seem to open it via AJAX (and thus avoiding a new tab to be opened). Until we find a workaround for it, we open the URL in _blank (new tab). Version 0.0.2 - Adds support to click a compile error and have an IDE opened to the correct line. More details: https://github.com/jamesward/play-auto-refresh Version 0.0.1 - Includes support for auto-refreshing the browser whenever a compile runs. *Requires the "play-auto-refresh" SBT plugin: https://github.com/jamesward/play-auto-refresh
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- Version0.0.12
- Aktualisiert1. September 2014
- Größe94.57KiB
- SprachenEnglish (United States)
- Entwickler
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