Dark Theme for Youtube - Chrome'i veebipood
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Dark Theme for Youtube

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Youtube Dark Theme a classic Dark theme for Youtube. Switch any website to dark mode and back in one click. Youtube Night Shift mode

Youtube Dark Theme and Youtube Dark Reader for Chrome extension enables night mode on nearly all websites and gives you the ability to control the built-in dark themes on those that have it. If the website has built-in night theme, you can control it directly from extension and if it doesn't (like Gmail, Google Docs, Office Online, Github and millions others), we will convert the colors to provide you with smooth transition on dark mode. There is also a white-list feature which enables you to exclude a desired domain from mode. Simply add a domain(s) to the designated area (comma separated) in the options page and the websites will be excluded. Download dark mode now in your web browser! 🌙 Night Shift Activate Night Shift mode to invert the usual light from the screen to a warmer tone, thus, preventing your eyes from harm. You can turn the tool on and off in a single click when you need it. Night Shift Mode Night Shift and Dark Mode extension automatically shifts the colors of your browser content to warmer end of the color spectrum after dark. ⚡ You need to refresh all the tabs, which were opened BEFORE the Dark mode and Night Shift was installed. You can also restart the Chrome to refresh all the tabs at once. Otherwise, Night Shift will work only with the newly opened tabs. Simply install an extension to enable Dark Mode for Chrome. 🌖 Dark Reader This eye-care extension enables night mode by creating dark themes for websites on the fly. Dark Reader inverts bright colors, making them high contrast and easy to read at night. Extension will put dark theme on all websites, suitable for those work at night and dark reader for online news or book reading. This extension changes the style of Google Docs to a dark theme that is easier on the eyes and looks cooler :) Dark Theme for YouTube extension converts YouTube theme to a highly customizable dark charcoal/blue theme. This Dark Reader extension is built on top of the default YouTube theme (native dark theme) so it is very light-weighted compare to using themes injected by Stylish or Stylus extensions. PDF Dark Theme and PDF Dark mode Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Chrome, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the screen at night. Dark Mode for PDF files and PDF Dark Theme Youtube dark mode or Youtube dark theme Dark Theme for YouTube extension converts YouTube theme to a highly customizable dark charcoal/blue theme. Youtube Dark Reader extension is built on top of the default YouTube theme (native dark theme) so it is very light-weighted compare to using themes injected by Stylish or Stylus extensions. Youtube Dark Mode Instagram dark mode or Instagram dark theme Instagram Dark Mode extension converts Instagram theme to a highly customizable dark charcoal/blue theme. Instagram Dark Reader extension is built on top of the default Instagram theme. Instagram dark theme and Instagram Dark Mode Facebook dark mode or Facebook dark theme FB Dark Mode extension converts Facebook theme to a highly customizable dark charcoal/blue theme. Facebook Dark Reader extension is built on top of the default Instagram theme. Facebook dark theme or FB Dark Theme Github dark mode or Github dark theme Github Dark Mode extension converts Instagram theme to a highly customizable dark charcoal/blue theme. Github Dark Reader extension is built on top of the default Instagram theme. Github dark theme Twitter dark mode or Twitter dark theme Twitter Dark Mode extension converts Twitter theme to a highly customizable dark charcoal/blue theme. Twitter Dark Reader extension is built on top of the default Twitter theme. Twitter dark theme Google Docs Dark Mode and Google Docs dark theme Turn on Dark Mode for Google Docs in one click via this extension. Use a Dark Mode for Google Docs? Google Docs Dark Mode extension converts Google Docs theme to a highly customizable dark charcoal/blue theme. Google Docs Dark Reader extension is built on top of the default Google Docs theme. Google Docs dark theme Download dark mode now in your web browser! Dark Mode functionality for Google, YouTube, Facebook and many other websites - get it now and keep your eyes relaxed in dark hours! VK dark mode or Vk dark theme Classic dark theme for Vkontakte. Switch VK to dark mode and back in one click. Dark theme VKontakte protects the eyes. It eliminates the load at night, replacing the white screen with a classic dark theme. Twitch dark mode or Twitch dark theme Twitch dark mode highly customizable native dark theme for twitch.tv (platform for gamers). Twitch dark theme is a native dark theme for twitch.tv gaming platform which uses the built-in dark theme for toggling the dark mode on and off. Dark Mode for TikTok Dark theme for TikTok. Easily switch TikTok site mode to dark or light with one click. TikTok Dark Mode New Tab for Chrome with ChatGPT Dark internet changes all web pages to black colour. New Tab - Dark mode for Twitter, Youtube, Facebook and all New Tab with ChatGPT. Open AI ChatGPT ChatGPT for Google ChatGPT engage in conversations with humans and answer a wide range of questions on various topics. ChatGPT - start a chat with ChatGPT immediately after getting an answer. Activating Dark Mode for CharGPT - Open AI - ChatGPT offers a dark mode option for a more comfortable viewing experience in low-light settings. - This can also help reduce eye strain. Feel free to ask any questions and leave comments for Dark Theme. Feel free to ask any questions and leave comments. Your feedback is very important for our Dark Reader!

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  • Versioon
  • Värskendatud
    26. jaanuar 2024
  • Suurus
  • Keeled
    50 keelt
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