Dark theme for VK.COM | Night Mode for Vkontakte™ - Chrome Web Store
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Dark theme for VK.COM | Night Mode for Vkontakte™


4,8 rb rating

EkstensiJejaring Sosial300.000 pengguna
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Classic dark theme for Vkontakte. Switch VK to dark mode and back in one click.

Attention!!! Please note that this extension works with vk.com only! Dark theme VKontakte protects the eyes. It eliminates the load at night, replacing the white screen with a classic dark theme. To enable / disable dark mode, click the extension icon located in the upper right corner of the browser. If you usually sit in the VC at night, keep in mind that in the dark, the brightness of the monitor is not suitable for your eyes. Especially with a long pastime behind a white screen in a dark room, your body is deprived of normal sleep. Because your eyes receive an excessive amount of bright light. To avoid this, use the night mode for VC. It will relieve your eyes and help you fall asleep after working on the computer. Dark mode for VKontakte in one click makes the site VK in a perfectly balanced black theme. Just install the extension to evaluate the benefits of VK Dark Theme.

4,9 dari 54,8 rb rating

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  • Versi
  • Diupdate
    25 Januari 2023
  • Ditawarkan oleh
    Light Alex
  • Ukuran
  • Bahasa
    52 bahasa
  • Developer
  • Non-pedagang
    Developer ini tidak mengidentifikasi diri sebagai pedagang. Bagi konsumen di Uni Eropa, perlu diperhatikan bahwa hak konsumen tidak berlaku untuk kontrak antara Anda dan developer ini.


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  • Tidak dijual ke pihak ketiga, di luar kasus penggunaan yang disetujui
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