Dark Theme for Google Chrome - Internetový obchod Chrome
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Dark Theme for Google Chrome


3 tis. hodnotení

MotívTmavé a čierne1 000 000 používatelia
Médium položky 3 – snímka obrazovky
Miniatúra videa položky
Médium položky 2 – snímka obrazovky
Médium položky 3 – snímka obrazovky
Miniatúra videa položky
Miniatúra videa položky
Médium položky 2 – snímka obrazovky
Médium položky 3 – snímka obrazovky


The best dark Chrome theme for your web browser. It's simple and coherent.

It's one beautiful dark theme (dark skin) for your Chrome web browser. It's simple and coherent that with the Turn Off the Lights Browser extension style. Here the high quality theme use not the shining black as background and frame color. Because this reflects everything back to you. That is why this darkness theme is a 80% black, this extend with the same dark color as the light off layer in the Turn Off the Lights Browser extension. This dark mode theme is very convenient for eye strain during the night. To learn more go to: https://www.turnoffthelights.com/browser/ If you like, feel free to buy us a coffee! https://www.turnoffthelights.com/donate/ Download darkness theme now in your Google Chrome web browser! Don't forget to like & Follow Us: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/turnoffthelight X https://twitter.com/TurnOfftheLight Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/turnoffthelight Instagram https://www.instagram.com/turnoffthelights YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@turnoffthelights How to remove/uninstall a Chrome theme in your Chrome web browser: 1. On your computer, open Chrome. 2. At the top right, click More and then Settings. 3. Under "Appearance", click Reset to default. You will see the classic Google Chrome theme again. <<< Option feature >>> To protect your eyes at night and to get focus on the video player such as YouTube™. It's recommend to use and install the Turn Off the Lights for YouTube and Beyond https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bfbmjmiodbnnpllbbbfblcplfjjepjdn

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  • Verzia
  • Aktualizované
    24. januára 2024
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  • Jazyky
    Jazyky: 55
  • Vývojár
    Stefan vd
    github.com/turnoffthelights github.com/stefanvd Antwerp 2000 BE
    Webové stránky
  • Neobchodný subjekt
    Tento vývojár sa neidentifikoval ako obchodník. Upozorňujeme, že práva spotrebiteľov v Európskej únii sa nevzťahujú na zmluvy uzavreté medzi vami a týmto vývojárom.


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