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Rolf Görlich (Ezydenias)

Apr 15, 2023

I can't use your extension anymore because it turns my beautiful homepage into a black void and I can't stop your extension from doing that!.

I can't use your extension anymore because it turns my beautiful homepage into a black void and I can't stop your extension from doing that!.

Laura Wills

Feb 7, 2022

New tab page

I love Dark Reader as well as Dark Reader Dark. I was wondering if you would please consider adding an option for users to turn OFF the dark reader new tab page. I need the standard Google Chrome homepage for multiple reasons related to disability. But the only way I can turn off the Dark Reader Dark all black new tab page is apparently by disabling the extension. I want a way to turn off the all-black new tab page without disabling the extension. I realize this might change the permissions.
This is by far the best dark extension I've found, so I'm hopeful that this issue can be fixed. Thanks!

Rafael Velasco

Jul 29, 2021

QUitar pantalla oscura

¿Cömo puedo quitar en ciertos momentos la función oscura? Ta qye hay páginas que no se ven

Trigun Patil

Jun 29, 2021

dark mode issue

i added the extension and i was having fun, but when i wanted to make it light theme it was not changing. I mean i wanted light mode again but it is still stuck on dark mode. I need help please, i even reinstalled the extension but its still stuck on dark theme. I desperetly need light theme


Jun 30, 2020

[BUG] - Twitch

If activated, then the Twitch volumecontrol is black instead of beeing white. So its harder to see.

- Thanks for fixing :)


Jun 30, 2020

my screen is still white i don't change??

there are no changes

Mohammad Azhar alam

Dec 9, 2018

it remove every thing from my new tab menu

after enabling this extension my new tab page is fully blank black page

Robert Orzanna

Nov 30, 2018

Icon not changing when toggling for current website

Dear Yuriy,

I set up a shortcut to toggle the currently viewed site.

I did notice, however, that when toggling, it's not changing the icon status the same way it does when you toggle the extension globally.

I recorded this GIF for you: https://imgur.com/a/e09Rie2

Any advice?


Lieutenant BaconWaffles

Sep 2, 2018

One problem.

It inverts the colors on videos.

Bassam Muhammad

Mar 14, 2018

hot keys

hello, extention is great , is there more hot keys other than
alt+shift+D , im sure there is but i could not find it as i did not find any documentation link to the extension

kindly advice
thank you for great work

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