Custom Dark background
Prezentare generală
customized new tab page with a dark background
In a mystic, otherworldly scene, ancient pagodas rise majestically above a sea of clouds, their pointed roofs silhouetted against the backdrop of a massive moon. The sky, tinged with hues of deep blue and soft whites, sets a serene yet mysterious atmosphere. A distant planet looms large, adding a sense of otherworldly scale, while sleek, futuristic airships glide silently above the ancient structures, blending the past and future in one frame. Winged dragons soar gracefully between the pagodas, bringing life to this ethereal world. In this mystical world, an added touch of reality is brought in through a functional digital clock displaying the current time and a real-time weather widget that updates based on your location, seamlessly merging fantasy with real-world utility.
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- Versiune1.0
- Data ultimei actualizări26 august 2024
- Dimensiune1.04MiB
- LimbiEnglish
- Dezvoltator
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