Cursors of the Harry Potter Universe - ‏سوق Chrome الإلكتروني
صورة شعار "Cursors of the Harry Potter Universe"

Cursors of the Harry Potter Universe


‫20 تقييمًا

الإضافةالمظاهر المسلّية3,000 مستخدم
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Replaces the standard cursor with Harry Potter-style cursors. Choose your magic wand and control it. Only for real wizards!

⚡Harry Potter Cursors, choose your own cursor style. ⚡ Just click on the cursor you like and it will replace the default cursor 🧙 You can resize the cursor of your choice from 16x16 to 128x128 pixels. ------------------- The package includes: ◾ The Harry Potter Cursor ◾ Voldemort's Cursor ◾ Hagrid's Cursor ◾ Snape's Cursor ◾ Dumbledore's Cursor ------------------- Installation: Download this extension, after installing it, click on the icon that appears on the toolbar in the tab, click on the icon in the toolbar and select the cursors you like and then update active tab, you will definitely find something for yourself, because we provide more than 12 cursors ------------------- Note: These cursors do not work on the Google homepage and in the Google Chrome store. Just open another tab and your cursor will be activated. If you were on some tab and selected the cursor, but it has not changed, just refresh the page and it will work. P.S. remove the previous cursors, for the extension to work properly ------------------- Please share this pack of cursors with your friends and rate our quality. ------------------- Made with ❤️

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  • لا يتم بيعها لأطراف ثالثة خارج إطار حالات الاستخدام المُتفَق عليها.
  • لا تُستخدَم أو تُنقَل لأغراض غير متعلِّقة بالوظيفة الرئيسية للعنصر.
  • لا تُستخدَم أو تُنقَل لتحديد الأهلية الائتمانية أو لأغراض الإعارة.
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