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A simple CSS property viewer.

CSSViewer is a simple CSS properties viewer originally made by Nicolas Huon as a FireFox add-on (2006-2008). How to use : To enable CSSViewer, simply click the toolbar icon and then hover any element on you want to inspect in current page. Open source inside: Source code can be found on GitHub at Privacy : In order to work properly, CSSViewer requires the permission to access to your history and website data. However, CSSViewer do not collect nor will ever transmit any of your private data. Known issues : - CSSViewer will not work in any opened tabs before installing it nor in the Google chrome store (This is how Google roll :) - The style may broke sometimes depending on the site you are surfing. - Patches are welcome. Credits: This chrome extension is a straight port of the Firefox CSSViewer add-on with minor enhancements. Credits goes to the original developer and contributors. Changelog: 1.7: 04/2017 - Add keyboard shortcuts and enable the viewer for local files. 1.6: 11/2014 - Add inspect element to menu. Add generate css definition. Fix few issues with auto-positioning. reFix an issue with chrome/38. 1.5: 10/2015 - Hotfix an issue with Chrome/38.0.2125.101. 1.4: 02/2013 - A bunch of minor changes in order to release CSSViewer as an open source project at Github. 1.3: 08/2011 - Support some CSS3 properties under the "Effects' category. 1.2: 07/2011 - Fix some minor bugs. 1.1: 03/2010 - Initial version.

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    26 de março de 2017
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