CSS Shapes Editor
평점 101개

Interactive editor for CSS Shapes.
Create and adjust CSS Shapes values with an interactive editor overlapping the selected element. Update 21 May 2015: --- For polygons, unit-less zero coordinates will inherit the non-zero sibling coordinate unit instead of defaulting to pixels. Example 0 100% => 0% 100% Shapes sidebar: New sidebar to the DevTools Elements panel called "Shapes" which offers controls to create and edit CSS Shapes values like polygon(), circle() and ellipse() on the selected element. Polygons: Click the edges of the shape to add new points. Drag points to change the shape. Double-click points to remove them. Select the transform tool to move, scale and rotate the polygon shape. Circles & ellipses: Drag the shape to move it around. Pull on the edges and corners to scale and resize. Update History === Update 13 Jan 2015: --- Provides workaround for Chrome 40+ regression which causes editor to fail when selecting an element to edit. Update 8 Dec 2014: --- This extension has been wrongly accused of spreading malware. It does not. Its source code is always available for inspection: https://github.com/oslego/chrome-css-shapes-editor The latest release (Version 1.2.0) addresses some potential vulnerabilities exploitable by 3rd party malicious scripts. If you experience malicious behavior from your browser, reset your browser settings: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/3296214
5점 만점에 3.8점평점 101개
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- 버전1.3.0
- 업데이트됨2015년 5월 21일
- 제공Razvan Caliman
- 크기84.76KiB
- 언어English (United States)
- 개발자
razvan.caliman+dev@gmail.com - 비판매자판매자로 식별되지 않은 개발자입니다. 유럽 연합에 거주하는 소비자의 경우, 이 개발자와 체결한 계약에 대해서는 소비자 권리가 적용되지 않을 수 있음을 유의해야 합니다.
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