Extract CSS and build beautiful styleguides.
🔎 No more digging in a code. Inspect styles in a simple, well-organized & beautiful way. Get it now! CSS Peeper is a CSS viewer tailored for Designers. Get access to the useful styles with our Chrome extension. Our mission is to let Designers focus on design, and spend as little time as possible digging in a code. Ever wondered what’s the line-height, font or a button size on a website? We provide you the ultimate tool to satisfy your curiosity. We enable you to inspect code in the easiest possible way. Check the hidden CSS style of objects, colors and assets on the web. Follow us on Twitter:
- Versione0.5.6
- Ultimo aggiornamento:20 novembre 2023
- Elemento offerto daCSS Peeper
- Dimensioni279KiB
- LingueEnglish
- Sviluppatore
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